English Language Learners / Dual Language Learners / Multicultural Education Support – Language Lizard Blog


Inspired by World Kit Lit Month, the annual celebration of world literature for children and young adults, use the month of September to travel the world and explore other cultures through literature, food, games, and more!

We have compiled some fun ideas on how to “read your world” either in the classroom or at home in celebration of World Kit Lit Month this September!

Make a Plan

Grab a map and have your student or class choose a country they would like to learn more about. Once they have selected a place, ask them questions such as: Why did you choose that country? What about that place interests you? What do you already know about that country, its people, and its culture? Have the children learn fun facts they can share with others.

Learn the Language

Choose bilingual books to read to the class. Seeing a story in both languages shows children that words can be written using a variety of letters and scripts and that the words and sounds can be represented in diverse ways. In addition, choosing books that feature multicultural settings and themes gives students a better understanding of the world around them and celebrates cultural diversity. They also learn empathy which leads them to become better global citizens. Visit Language Lizard for some great bilingual and multicultural titles available in many languages.

Bake a Treat

Exploring a country’s favorite food or dessert enables kids to learn more about a culture’s identity, stories, and history. Make it fun and have the students choose a mouth-watering treat to bake from their selected country. Check out this blog post and video about Desserts Around the World on Multicultural Kid Blogs for some ideas. Finally, invite the students to share their sweet treats or recipes with the class. 

Play a Game

Have the students research the sports and games popular in their specific country. Learning about these games is another way to provide them with valuable insight into the different cultures. For instance, they might be amazed to learn that various climates influence the type of sports played. To learn more, Amazing Sports from Around the World explores unusual and fascinating sports from diverse cultures and locations.

Get Creative

Making multicultural crafts is another fun learning tool for students. These projects can relate to harvest festivals worldwide or as a way to introduce music from different cultures. Whatever the theme, choose projects that are simple enough and can use readily available materials. For more multicultural craft ideas, visit our blog here and here

Happy #WorldKidLitMonth!

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