You may be a teacher, on the brink of a brand new school year. Or a parent, with kids preparing to head into a new classroom. Here are some of our favorite back-to-school tips and resources to get the school year off to a great start.
1. Prepare a Welcoming Classroom
As you’re organizing shelves and deciding on the optimal classroom layout, remember to consider the needs of your bilingual students. Now is the perfect time to create a welcoming classroom that reflects acceptance and diversity right from the start.
2. Parents Night for Bilingual Families
Have you thought about hosting a Parents Night event just for your bilingual families? It’s a great opportunity to create a personal connection with parents who have a unique set of concerns, as well as a valuable skill set to bring to your classroom. We have tips to roll out that welcome mat, prepare for your event, and to encourage parent involvement throughout the school year.
3. Create a Sense of Community
This year’s classroom will fill up with a whole new kaleidoscope of personalities. You may find yourself wondering how to help an eclectic group of kids connect with each other. How do you bring your class together as a community, and jump start the conversation and collaboration? This post has tips for creating a safe, secure and nurturing learning environment for students from diverse backgrounds.
4. Accommodate ELLs in the Classroom
If your school places English language learner (ELL) students in mainstream classrooms with limited bilingual assistance, there are ways to give them the support they need to be successful. We have 10 strategies to help mainstream teachers meet the needs of their diverse classrooms.
5. Promote Social & Emotional Wellbeing with Free Lesson Plans
We have partnered up with our friends at West Chester University to bring you 4 new multicultural lesson plans that focus on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills. SEL gives students specific knowledge, skills and attitudes that empower them to have success and happiness in school and in adulthood. Establishing self-esteem, expressing feelings, regulating emotions, and developing perseverance are all prominent features in SEL. Access these free lesson plans, and many more, to help bring more SEL and multicultural learning to your classroom.
Discount on Tom and Sofia Start School
Little ones starting a new school year will love the story Tom and Sofia Start School. The first day of school can bring feelings of anxiety, and this story about Tom and Sofia helps kids see that there is no reason to worry. After shopping for school supplies, the two students head off to make new friends, play games, and experience a completely new environment. The book, which is available in 26 different languages, is perfect for kids getting ready for their first day of school.
Now through September 30, 2019, get 10% off Tom and Sofia Start School. Just use code FIRSTDAY19 during checkout.
How do you prepare for a new school year? Comment and let us know!